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The growth of online influencers trying to convince everyman, woman and his/her dog that they have been avid gym goers for years, fools nobody or does it?

The very term influencers suggest that this new generation of marketing is leading the way in which companies and/or individuals promote themselves and their products.

Two key industries that rely heaving on such marketing strategies are fitness and beauty and often both come hand in hand.

Instagram feeds are often full of “influencer’s” working out in a gym whilst at the same time donning a face full of which ever make up brand/manufacturer has paid them the most money.

However whilst I am all for people being encouraged to exercise and stay fit, is this method of promotion and the pressure it is placing on especially the younger generation to exercise and “look your best” at the same time doing more harm than good? 

Although exercise is beneficial to release stress hormones and enables you to sweat out the impurities from your pores, it is, however, problematic for your skin to settle with any oil, dirt or sweat for any prolonged period immediately after exercising. Sweating can cleanse out your pores similar to the act of steaming during a facial, and the blood circulation that flows to the surface of your skin gives you a naturally radiant glow. However, it is imperative to cleanse your skin immediately pre and post workout.

Washing your face before exercising allows for the sweat to properly release through your pores without getting trapped from a day’s worth of makeup, dirt or grind that can clog your skin. Prior cleansing pre-emptively inhibits pores from becoming clogged. Additionally, cleansing your skin post-exercise prevents breakouts and blackheads from forming by not letting the sweat, dirt or grind settle back into your open pores. Therefore, make sure always to have proper facial wipes or cleanser readily available to you that is specific for your skin and has the appropriate active ingredients to thoroughly remove any residual sweat, oil or debris from getting lodged into your pores and thereby lessening the chances of breakouts, milia, or rashes to occur.

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